How I Explored Beaches of South Goa- Goa NirvanaHow I Explored Beaches of South Goa- Goa Nirvana


Hey there Beaches of South Goa! When you think of Goa, what comes to mind? Probably loud parties and dance bars, right? But guess what? There’s a lot more to Goa than that. Especially Beaches of South Goa. It’s a place where you can truly relax and enjoy nature’s beauty. In this article, I’m going to take you on a journey through some of the most stunning beaches in South Goa that are not only beautiful by Indian standards but can compete with some of the best beaches around the world.

Also Check – My Dream 6 Days Vacation Guide to Goa

Getting to South Goa

First things first, how do you get to South Goa? It’s pretty simple.

By Air: Vasco da Gama Airport in South Goa

If you’re flying, you’ll land at Vasco da Gama Airport. It’s the closest airport to South Goa and from there, you can easily get a cab or a rental car to your destination.

By Train: Margao Railway Station

If you prefer trains, you can get off at Margao Railway Station. It’s well-connected to major cities, and from there, you can hop on a bus or rent a car to explore South Goa.

Transportation Tips when traveling in Goa

Once you’re in Margao, renting a car or a bike is the best way to explore. But here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Renting Cars and Bikes in Madgaon: It’s best to rent from places near the Margao Railway Station. Cross the bridge towards platform number one for more rental options.
  • Important Rental Tips: Make sure you understand the rental terms. Usually, rentals are counted from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. If you return the vehicle later, they’ll charge you for an extra day. Negotiate if possible!

Exploring Colva Beach in South Goa

Our first stop is Colva Beach. This is one of the oldest and most famous beaches in South Goa.

Colva Beach is known for its white sand and tranquil environment. It’s not as crowded as the beaches in North Goa, making it perfect for some quiet time.

What to Expect at Colva Beach in South Goa

Expect a peaceful vibe with not many commercial establishments. There are a few options for water sports if you’re interested.

Tips for Visiting Colva Beach in South Goa

If you plan to visit Colva Beach, a couple of hours should be enough. It’s best to visit in the morning or late afternoon to avoid the midday heat.

Accommodation in South Goa during your travel

Finding a good place to stay is crucial for a great trip. Hostels are a fantastic option in South Goa.

Benefits of Staying in Hostels in South Goa

Hostels are budget-friendly and clean. They often have private curtains for added privacy, which is great whether you’re traveling alone or with friends.

My Personal Experience and Recommendations

During my stay, I found the hostels in South Goa to be very hygienic and comfortable. I’ll link some recommendations below, but trust me, they’re worth it.

Here are my hostel details where I have stayed in South Goa near Palolem Beach

The Lost Hostels, Goa – Palolem Beach

Link to MakeMyTrip

You Tube Video In Hindi | South Goa| Better than North? Best Places to Visit in South Goa | Palolem | Butterfly | Cabo De Rama

Palolem Beach in South Goa

Introduction to Palolem Beach

Now, let’s talk about Palolem Beach. If you ask me, this is the crown jewel of South Goa.

Palolem Beach is absolutely stunning with its crescent-shaped shoreline and clear waters.

Why Palolem Beach is Special in South Goa

It’s special because it’s a place where you can truly connect with nature. The energy here is different – it’s peaceful and invigorating at the same time.

Activities and Attractions at Palolem Beach

You can spend the whole day here swimming, sunbathing, or just enjoying the view. There are also plenty of cafes and restaurants where you can enjoy delicious food while taking in the beautiful surroundings.

Evening and Nightlife at Palolem Beach

As the sun sets, Palolem Beach becomes even more magical.

Unlike the loud parties of North Goa, evenings here are more about relaxation. You can enjoy a quiet dinner with some soft music in the background.

Dining Options and Ambiance

There are many beachfront restaurants offering a variety of cuisines. The ambiance is perfect for a relaxed evening with friends or family.

Morning Activities: Kayaking at Palolem South Goa

The next morning, you should definitely try kayaking.

Best Time for Kayaking in South Goa Palolem beach

The best time for kayaking is early in the morning when the sea is calmest.

Tips for First-Time Kayakers in Goa

Don’t worry if you’re new to kayaking. It’s safe, and you’ll be provided with life jackets. Just follow the instructor’s guidance and you’ll be fine.

Boat Tours: Exploring Hidden Gems

Another exciting activity is taking a boat tour to explore some hidden gems around Palolem.

Booking a Boat Tour

You can book a boat tour either privately or share with others. The cost ranges from Rs 700 to Rs 1200 per person.

Visiting Monkey Island, Turtle Rock, and Honeymoon Beach in South Goa

The tour will take you to places like Monkey Island and Turtle Rock. If you’re lucky, you might even spot some dolphins!

Experience at Butterfly Beach in South Goa

One of the highlights is Butterfly Beach. It’s a small, secluded beach with crystal-clear waters. The boat will give you an hour to explore and take photos.

Cabo De Rama: A Hidden Treasure

One place you absolutely cannot miss is Cabo De Rama.

This spot is famous for its breathtaking sunset views and the scenic cliffside.

Sunset Views and Photo Opportunities at Cabo De Rama

The views from here are simply stunning, and there are plenty of spots perfect for taking photos.

Cabo De Rama Beach and Cliff

Don’t leave without exploring the beach here. It’s one of the cleanest and most serene beaches in South Goa.

Cape Goa Cafe in South Goa

If you’re looking for a great place to eat and relax, Cape Goa Cafe is a must-visit.

Dining Experience

The food here is fantastic, and the ambiance is even better. It’s the perfect place to end your day.

Luxury Villa Options in South Goa

If you want to splurge, you can book a luxury villa here with a private pool and sea view. It’s pricey, but totally worth it if you want a luxurious experience.

Wrapping Up the Trip to Beaches of South Goa

After all these amazing experiences, it’s time to reflect on your journey.

Reflecting on the Journey

South Goa is a place that stays with you. The peaceful beaches, the beautiful sunsets, and the friendly people make it a perfect getaway.

Encouragement to Visit South Goa

If you haven’t visited South Goa yet, you’re missing out. It’s a place that offers so much more than just parties. It’s a place to live life to the fullest.

In conclusion, South Goa is a hidden gem that offers a unique blend of natural beauty and tranquility. From the serene beaches to the vibrant local culture, it’s a place that promises a memorable experience. So, pack your bags and get ready to explore the other side of Goa!

Alco Check- Goa Tourism website

Frequently asked questions on Trip to Beaches of South Goa

What is the best time to visit South Goa?

  • The best time to visit South Goa is between November and March when the weather is pleasant.

Are there any good budget accommodations in South Goa?

  • Yes, there are plenty of budget-friendly hostels and guesthouses that offer clean and comfortable stays.

Is South Goa suitable for family vacations?

  • Absolutely! South Goa is perfect for families looking for a peaceful and relaxing vacation.

Can I find vegetarian food in South Goa?

  • Yes, many restaurants and cafes in South Goa offer a variety of vegetarian options.

What are some must-do activities in South Goa?

  • Some must-do activities include visiting Palolem Beach, taking a boat tour to Butterfly Beach, and watching the sunset at Cabo De Rama.

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